Soups on!...

Nothing like being down to the wire to really light a fire under my butt...deciding it was a good idea to try and figure out how to upload pics to my new MAC from my DSLR with only a few hours before the hop starts turned out to be way more painless than I was expecting :)

Ok onto the soup! My awesome partner for this BSBP was Sherri Stokey of Knot Just Macrame her work totally knocks my socks off, seriously go look for yourself, she's brilliant!

remember she sent me this? serious drool happened...

Sherri did her research well ;) I was spoiled with this fab owl ceramic owl pendant...I was stumped on what to do with it...still am. This definitely won't remain this way. The basics came together as far as wiring it up into a pendant with come faceted crystals and stones BUT I waited til the last minute and haven't gotten my sari silk in time. So I'll update this piece and share it again later...

the colors of my "soup" are just dreamy...Warm colors and wonderful textures...These earrings were the first thing I sat down and made. They came together instantly and without hesitation. 

This bracelet followed eclectic mix and that stunning copper toggle...

take a closer look at that toggle...the patina and texture is pure bliss...

With over 500 blogs to visit i'm ganna keep this short. I can't wait to see what everyone else created with their ingredients. My morning coffee and visiting everyones blogs to see their work will be how I'll be spending most morning for probably a couple of weeks :) 

Thanks for stopping by! You can view the full hop list HERE

and I'd also like to thank the amazing Lori for once again organizing another amazing BSBP with the assistance of some pretty fabulous helpers :) You all are so much appreciated! 


Chelle said…
I love the owl necklace. But those earrings really caught my eye. Love em.
Pepita said…
You've made some pretty pieces - I like those earrings and the bracelet, a cooper-blue combination is always a winner.
The owl is so cute and I'll come later to see the final design.
Unknown said…
FUN pieces, Marianna! I really love the earrings - I can see myself wearing those a LOT!
neadsk said…
Wow great work it all looks fantastic and I love that owl :)
DebiDeaux Designs said…
Wow! Love the owl but am especially enamored of the earrings! Good job!
Mags said…
The owl necklace is so cute and joyful!
Elizabeth said…
Love what you have done !! Love your soup and I do share your hesitation about using large focals!!! That was my challenge as well! i did use one of your sand dollar beads in my piece at add to the collage effect. Remember you made me some?? Still coveting them!! :)
bailaora said…
so elegant and delicate designs! stunning!
Love the color and the simplicity of each piece. They look like so much fun to wear and show off!
Unknown said…
Love the owl necklace, but the earrings and bracelet really rock!
laurie said…
Wonderful soup! Love the owl
Kym Hunter Designs said…
Very nice soup pieces! I agree about the texture and color of the bracelet clasp. Very pretty! All of your pieces are lovely!
Beautiful pieces. I love them all but the earrings are my favourite.
coffeeaddict said…
amazing work :-)
Anonymous said…
I imagine sari silk is going to look fabulous with the owl. I love the mix of beads you have used in the bracelet.
Cheryl said…
I too would have drooled over the owl. The outcomes were great.
Shai Williams said…
Just love the owl necklace and can't wait to see what you change about it. Those earrings are great! So ones I would wear.
Unknown said…
Totally cool bracelet and your owl is going to be fun to wear. Nice job with your soup.
Unknown said…
What a hoot ! *nricked for pun* Hmmm. That little owl, to me, seems to be begging for a tassel of some sort... I would paint one of my hole stamping brown to stand as a 'tree branch' and wire leaves and flowers from the holes... Or maybe make a branch out of crystal clay then stick jumprings in it before it cures, then proceed. Haha, sorry, my mixed media soul is pratling on here !
ZenithJade said…
I can't wait to see what you do with the Owl!

Love the earrings, too! Beautiful!

Andrea Glick
Unknown said…
It's all so beautiful!
PiPa said…
Will come back to visit your tiny owl, but so far beautiful pieces!
Just Beads said…
Nice bracelet and earrings. I'n nosy to see what you will do withn the funny little owl.
Unknown said…
Beautiful pieces :-) I ♥♥♥ the earrings, happy jewellery!
la mar de bonita said…
You've got a nice soup to play wiht Marianna, and you made wonderful creations with them. The bracelet is totally my style - wonderful shades of browns and blues! And the owl necklace is so sweet!
Anonymous said…
Beautiful colors in your soup. The owl necklace is great! Nice job with all of it.
Linda A. said…
BEAUTIFUL job! I *love* the toggle! Way to feature it and make it special with the bracelet...much easier to see when it's on your wrist. =)

Linda A.
Tammy Adams said…
You created some fabulous designs with a beautiful soup. I am in love with that owl. It's a great focal and your simple design (even though you plan to re-visit it) shows it off well.
Shyme said…
Beautiful bracelet!
Peru-Medesigns said…
What a beautiful set ...I like how you make your rustic toggle.Nice work..
Terri said…
Love your designs! The colors, the simple elegance! Really Soup-er!
Esfera Jewelry said…
Lovely soup. Lovely bracelet. Can't wait to see how the necklace turns out when ready
Anonymous said…
That owl is so awesome he could almost stand alone! Love the colors, especially love the earrings. They are so unique.
Christine said…
I love your soup - your pieces are lovely!! I can't wait to see what you do with the sweet owl!
Rebecca Ednie said…
Lovely work. That owl is sweet.
Rose said…
Okay - so the earring went together so easily. Why? 'Cos they are really pretty and really work as a design. Nice one. Rose
Beautiful soup from Sherri & beautiful jewelry from you! I love your owl necklace as is -- simply elegant. The earrings are wonderful, as is the bracelet , too. Your entire jewelry collection has a dreamy colorway, with a gracious and charming style! Lovely! Happy Hopping! ♥ Rita
gelfling50 said…
Hi there well I want to first say ty so much for sharing your creations with us all. I think your designs are sweet , cute, pretty and just down right lovely. I too love the colors of the soup you received and that partner of yours is amazing I agree with you on that also...Okay well I have to hop along hope to see you next year...bye now
Bev said…
Love how you made a set of your soup! Love the colors and they even kind of look like boho a bit. Great job!
Beautiful! Happy Hopping! ♥ Rita
Susanm said…
Very pretty. The clasp is fabulous and your bracelet design really shows it off.
Unknown said…
Love your earrings and bracelet. One of favorite colour combos....especially for summer. I'm looking forward to seeing your owl necklace once you finish it.
BluMoon said…
I love your ceramic owl pendant and what a lovely bracelet you made too!
gelfling50 said…
Just lovely, adorable and cute all rolled up into one. ty so much for sharing with us all ...brill job...bye now, gotta hippity hoppity along
Ann Schroeder said…
I love your bracelet and earrings, and the start of your owl necklace is a winner. Of course sari silk makes everything better.
Unknown said…
Love the bracelet and earrings!!1 Can't wait to see what you do with the owl!!! Well Done!! Have a Blessed Day!
Becky Pancake said…
Hi Marianna, Beutiful earrings and bracelet. You arranged the beads well to give the pieces texture and flow.
Wow, electric vintage, Marianna! Everything is appealing, but I am such a bracelet gal, and i would totally wear yours :)
The Creative Klutz said…
Great designs - that owl is adorable =)
Unknown said…
Great color mix..nice pieces! Nice job with your soup!
TesoriTrovati said…
What an adorable owl! It looks like a gingerbread cookie! A dreamy palette. Beautiful pieces! Thank you for sharing your creations with the 8th Bead Soup. Enjoy the day! Erin
Unknown said…
Adore the owl!! looks like a very fun soup to work with!
Kepi said…
All your pieces are beautiful but those earrings are stunners, love them!
CraftyHope said…
Really lovely job with all your pieces, but I think the earrings stand out the most. Here's hoping you can get that owl to become more of what you want! Your simple necklace is great, but I'm sure whatever you figure out will be stunning.
Love the copper & blue combo.. you've made some really lovely pieces
bairozan said…
The owl focal is to die for and I understand that you want to make a gorgeous piece with it but I like it this way. The bracelet is my favorite piece - eclectic, indeed! The earrings are pretty, too and that connector really adds something special to how they look!
WindDancerStudios said…
Macs are so easy, I love mine! I also love that owl! Wonderful pieces all very sweet.

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