Twists and Turns...

Melting glass puts me in a Zen state...Hammering Metal is a stress reliever. After a stressful week this Twists and Turns necklace was born. I added 3 of my lampwork glass beads and some chunky chain for a comfortable, unique and one of kind necklace that's super fun to wear.

Faceted quartz clusters in light pink and hematite on some wavy hoops for a pair of feminine and sparkly earrings that are great for dressing up or everyday wear.

These two new pieces will be going up in the Etsy Shop tomorrow. 
Thanks for stopping by today! I'll be sending out a Today's Special to all my mailing list subscribers tomorrow! Sign up and stay tuned for that, the past 2 specials I've offered have been snatched up at record speed :) I'm glad you're enjoying the specials and helping me clear out some inventory!


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