I heart macro...

Some snaps from a nature walk with the kiddos...

big fluffy bright green moss...i heart moss

 "I Heart Macro" slash "I Heart Close Ups: Up Close Photography for Macro Makers and the Camerologically Challenged". Join Lori by blogging your up close/macro picture of the week. Grab the button* to show that you're participating and link up here.

studio waterstone


T... said…
beautiful photos.....love the angle of the tree shot....
Tracey Leeder said…
I heart moss too! I love anything green and organic and especially anything growing in nature. Looks like you had a great walk. Nice pictures.
Tanya said…
Wonderful shots. I love the leaves on the water.
K Hutchinson said…
What gorgeous fall macros! Such wonderful colors and textures!
Grandma Deal said…
I love the moss photo. Tried growing some for my bonsai plants but didn't do so good.
Jenni said…
Love that bright green moss and the texture of the tree.
I enjoyed the pictures of the nature walk you took with the kids.
Annette said…
Beautiful fall shots! I really like the one looking up the tree!
Sherri B. said…
Such beautiful captures...I hope to take a walk in the woods later today. You've inspired me with your great shots!
Mellisa said…
The shot up the tree is my favorite too! Beautiful :)
Evelyn S. said…
Love the leaves in the water.....but it reminds me of what's coming after fall! ;-)
Sharyl said…
Oooo.... I'm loving these! Each and every one!
You snapped some very interesting things in nature for sure!
Kim, USA said…


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