BIG shop update
I'm a professional...professional procrastinator that is ;) I've been a busy bee creating new things like this loooooooong red vintage beauty {doesn't it just look perfect with my red hat!} ...and then they start piling up and piling up. Pictures get taken...edited and ready to go but then when I start to think of updating the site and all the coding and clicking and linking I sort of shrug it off till tomorrow, and the next day, and the next day and the next...see where I'm going with this? BUT today I have a little pep in my step and so today my website is back to filling up full of pretty shiny things :) ...that makes me happy
Be sure to surf around and clickity click on everything because there are a TON of new earrings, necklaces, bracelets and an even more ton of Rings
oh and also, the BOGO sale has been extended through this weekend to include the new joolz!
On the home front...

oh and also, the BOGO sale has been extended through this weekend to include the new joolz!
On the home front...
I just had to scroll down to see how Noah has grown and sure enough, he's grown so much!♥