Another giveaway!

This giveaway is happening over my dear friend Sharon's blog (click the banner above to head over and enter to win!!) Swing on over and check it out and enter to win! I'll be working on my new Twinkle Tots page and getting things stocked on there little by little. I'm so excited to have a propper place for my paci clips and other new kiddie creations that will be making their way there :) Whew! well I'm out of here for now. I have some errands to run and then I'm in need of relaxing for bit. It's been one of those crazy days and I'm going on like 3 hrs of sleep, not good! Later Gators! Have a great day!


Anonymous said…
Oh I hate those days when I'm running on empty. Hang in there dear friend! Thanks for the shout out and you're officially entered twice. ;-) Would be pretty cool for you to win a bracelet with some of your beads in it. :D

Hey let me know when Twinkle Tots is up and running and I'll give it a shout out on my blog. I know it takes a long time to get it all together so just let me know.

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