Tuesday chat

Don't forget to watch it tonight @ 8pm!!

Noah's pirate costume is all finished up it's all pretty simple just a little striped vest, skull and crossbones head wrap, pirate hat, sword and skull long raggedy looking sash around his waist, no eye patch for the little guy though because he's already clutzy enough :) I got him the cutest little fuzzy Trick or Treat tote, it doesn't seem like it would fit much but it's super cute. I think I'm going to make a skull head wrap for myself and Joe to wear too...hey even grizzly pirates have parents too, right? lol! I don't think I've ever gone a year without dressing up even if just a goofy hat or wig, it's all in good fun!
It has been so pretty outside the past 2 days! The leaves are changing, the air is cool, the ground is covered in leaves and the grass is finally green instead of burntoutfromtheheat brown :) We spent the afternoon at the park yesterday and I think it's going to be another one of those afternoons today. It'll be time to store all the patio furniture and Noah's play equipment soon too.
I'm heading out to the torch to finish up a few orders and work on some new specials! So far I've got nothing Christmasy so this week might just be a good old fashion Bead Specials week! I've got some new Joolz in the works too!