Yes I'm awake
I realize it's super late. I'm all stuffed up and still feeling crappy but since I couldn't get comfortable enough to sleep I thought I'd get a snack and work on some pics. I finally got some new pics up of my glass and design studios. I've got some other fun stuff planned for the glass studio. Was talking with a super nice lady from ACO about all the various colors I can get cement paint custom colored to and so I'm sketching around some ideas for a faux area rug for my work area out there. Pink and Green similar to my barn star that I papered a few weeks ago after finding a cool link for it on fellow lampworker friend Beatrice from Fried Peas' website. I'm addicted to paper and have papered everything I can get my hands on lately so this was right up my ally and it turned out great. I'm also hoping to paint that boring old wall a nice color soon too since I spend hours on end facing it most days. I'm really itching for the weather to warm up and stay warm because I'd really love to plant a small but pretty flowering tree outside my studio window. It's not a huge window but it faces out to a small courtyard type walkway to the backyard on that side of the house and I miss the giant magnolia tree I used to see when I looked out while I was working at our old house. I think I might try and grow some veggies out there too this year. When my parents lived here my dad did pretty good with the different veggies he would plant so I think we might give it a try and I especially love tomatoes! I'll be uploading more new items to the site later today so I'll be back with an update later on. I'm off for now to try and get some shut eye, wish me luck!