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New auction went up Friday! click the pic to check it out. I'm pretty sure I could sit down at the torch and make mickey beads all day long that's how much I love them! They're just cute an fun to make. I've got a new batch of soldered pendants coming your way this week. I have a lot of super fun themes too. I also have a few simple but chunky boho necklaces coming up and this weeks specials will have some really cute cell phone charms, more soldered pendants and of course beads. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend. Joe & I had a date night last night we haven't had one of those since I was pregnant and noah didn't mind it one bit he got to stay home and play with his Nonna (my mom) all night. We went to dinner and a movie with our friends Mark and Carrie. I'm still thinking about that food it was fantastic. The movie was "Employee of the Month" we like to think of ourselves at the ultimate Dane Cook fans lol! We couldn't stop laughing throughout the whole thing it was excellent! We were supposed to go to a Halloween party too but we didn't want to rush our evening and by the time we had time to stop into the party it had gotten to the "Card party" part of the party and so we just decided to keep on with our night instead. So anyhow how you had an excellent weekend too and don't forget to turn your clocks back like I did! lol!! I'm making my way around the house now making the changes ;)