It's almost time...

Specials are up! Ebay auction is up! check and check! I'll be taking orders on everything this time around since I'll be leaving tomorrow for vacation it'll be easier for me to do it that way and then everyone gets their choices! So I'll be back Monday late so probably no beady business going on until Tuesday so then I'll be able to ship everything out by the end of the week. Works for me! We're so itching to go. All week long we've been running around getting stuff done and ready and I know Joe's ready for a getaway for sure he's been working non stop. I'm heading off cutting it short for now but I'll be back on late tonight to update and chat some more. I have my F2F book group meeting tonight so that's going to be a lot of fun an we're setting up our reading schedule for quite a while so it'll be interesting to see everyones picks. I've decided on one for sure but I'm still floating through booklists and deciding on my other one so I've got like an hour to decide before everyone gets here lol! Ok be back in a bit!


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