Monday! Let's start the week!

What a fun and amazing weekend! I'll start with Sat. The Relay for Life was awesome. It had an even bigger turn out than last year which is awesome! Momma bird layed 2 eggs this time around and according to everything I've been reading on Robin's this should be the last of it until next spring. I'll keep you up to date with more pics of that too. Sunday I ran up to Ann Arbor (big suprise right? lol Seems I spend practically every weekend there!) for some shopping. Ann Arbor home of U of M and the Michigan Wolverines and the best food and shopping around. It's easily tops on my favorite places to go and it's only a half hour away (ack! I speed a tad! I know bad, bad!) So anyhow I was going to originally go up there on Sat. and we were just about to leave and I get author tracker news and all sorts of goodies in my inbox like that that I love and I saw one that said Meg Cabot was coming to the Borders in Ann Arbor but on Sunday. So I changed up the plans and we went up there yesterday in stead and she was fabulous and funny and super nice and easy to talk to which was totally awesome. It just so happens that I'm reviewing her newest novel Queen of Babble for FA so she got a kick out of that and I got to find out the dish on a ton of her new stuff that will be coming out soon and some other juicy in the works stuff so I was totally beaming I was so happy and excited! Also HAPPY BIRTHDAY DENNY! My little nephew is 4!!!!!!! Also had his b day party yesterday and had fun watching some fireworks that the guys did and Noah just loves his Uncle Den who always has something for him, this time he scored Laurie Berkner's Buzz Buzz cd, Hey! who's b day is it anyways! lol! Overall it was such a fun weekend! Here are some pics to share with little commentaries :) I've got a lot of running around to do and then I must get some work done pronto! :) Have a great day! I'll be back on later with some beadier chat.