What a week! We are finally starting to settle in more. There are still several boxes and odd n ends and yeah ok the house still looks like a tornado blew through, however, lot's of progress has been made. I think I've been running myself so ragged the last couple of weeks and not sleeping so well that my immune system must be down because I've got sniffles and cough and I can feel it all brewing. I finally got my new kiln hooked up. I've been looking so forward to it for forever and now that it's finally here I haven't had muh time to play at the torch this week but I have lot's of cool stuff planned for the weekend! I really badly need to clean up "el studio" it's such a mess I can't even think straight. And I had to rearrange things to accomodate my beastly little new kiln but I think it's all good now. I'm so glad to not only be annealing beads anymore but now I can also fuse, slump and do silver work!!! woohoo!!!! my mind is swimming with all the possibilities and what the future will hold for new goodies to offer you guys! I also managed to unload and unpack and organize all of my jewelry and bead supply boxes and everything is now in easy reach and in it's proper place I"ll have to snap a few pics of my new set up when I'm done I really love it and I've got lot's of room to spread out and have customers over for local commissions (brides, formals etc.) which is really nice. So anyhow now that we're settling in nicely I'll have more frequent updates again! I'm off for now to go tuck up with some yummy tea and a fantastic new suspense thriller that my friend suzanne recommended by Tara Moss called Fetish! Have a great night and great weekend!!! I'll be popping in and out for a chat periodically.