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New Contest giveaway prize is up! The next drawing will be April 22nd (Sat.) This morning I spent my time at the torch making some different types of beads at least once week I like to sit down and just sort of make whatever I sort of play like I'm a scientist and just mix stuff and see what reactions I get or mess with new shapes that sort of thing and so it's always fun to peek into the kiln the next day and see if I got anything good out of it. I make note of the different things I did and the steps I did them in so that if per chance I did make something really cool I'll know how to do it again :) So today I messed with some new colors that I haven't used before. My new kiln will be here tomorrow!!!!! I cannot wait! I'm sure it will have been worth the wait. It seems like it too forever to have it built but in actuality it really was only like 4 or 5 weeks anyhow I can't wait! I'm off to run some errands and I'll be back later with some more sneak peeks! Have a great day!