
I can't belive it's the middle of the week already! It's been a busy week I've been working on some really exciting custom orders, some really pretty bridal orders and lot's of beadies but most of them are already spoken for already , sorry! but more will be on the way soon! I've been playing around with some new things for the bead retreat and for Blue Noodle and for beads specials so it's been crazy around here. Don't forget that the contest drawing is this weekend! I've got a cute summery set of beads to give away for the next drawing too I just need to get a picture ready to put up Sunday. With helping my parents pack and move this weekend into Wednesday you may not hear too much from me it's pretty nutty around here. Chaos! to say the least. Enjoy a sneak peak in the mean time!
I just love the way this necklace turned out! Leather sterling chain, and awesome bali casp and ahem! a mighty yummy lampwork glass bead this is such a fun piece to wear! I'll be throwing a few more sneak peeks your way in the coming days so that way even if I don't have anything exciting to say you'll at least get some eye candy :)