in need of something...

I have been working on a new bracelet piece but it's driving me bananas why? you ask, I'm not quite sure but something just doesn't seem right about it. It's missing something. I can't put my finger on it. I'm ganna shoot a pic over to Marsha to get a second opinion because my mother is always bias and loves everything I make which of course is terrific but doesn't help in situations like these were I'm having an artistic struggle lol! Also onto more beadier things I've decided that I'm going to be posting beads for sale as the mood strikes me so be sure to check back daily because I'm going to just post them whenever I have them because I'm super duper busy right now and it's easier for me to just post them whenever and not feel like I have another deadline to rush for. I'm addicted to the noodley colors as I am now refering to them as like the ones on my bead specials this week, I could quite possibly make beads using only those colors for like a very long time and be perfectly happy as long as I have all of my presses of course lol! Also I think Marsha is going to be giving me a cool new look here pretty soon. It's time for a change and so this time around I think we're going to go for a bolder, funner and way more colorful or rather multi color look. For those of you who don't know Marsha not only makes my site look pretty she also does lot's of other sites AND is the owner/designer of jewelry and we're about to launch a sister site of sorts to our sites and do a collaborative collection of jewelry and accessories and other fun stuff. It's not quite ready to go just yet but stay tuned for the launch of Blue Noodle Jewelry...because jewelry should be fun! I'll keep you up to date on any Noodle news :) And here's another sneak peek at what else I've been working on, all yummy gemstones and sterling silver wire wrapping, how divine!