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blech! it's such a poopy, rainy, gloomy day here. It was gorgeous out yesterday! We had a little shopping fun picking up a few things for the new house and Noah's new border arrived so we're going to work on finishing up his room today and tomorrow depending on how fast paint dries. We had a nice night of relaxing and watching movies and tonight is Desperate Housewives/ Grey's Anatomy night!!! My favorite!! It makes heading into a new work week a little more bearable lol! I'm still taking and filling orders on the bunny & carrot beads. There are only 2 specials left and I have the springy eastery auction that will be ending later this week! I'm going to try and get out to the torch to finish up some other sets that I have started but that may have to wait until tomorrow because I need to get caught up on bridal orders because those are rarely ever for just one necklace or one pair of earrings or one bracelet it's usually 5 or more! So when there's several orders that's a whole lotta work to be done and I don't want to get too far behind or overwhelmed because I love to work bridal so much I never want to wreck it by making it seem like a chore so off to work I go! Marsha has been working hard to my updates so be sure to surf around and check out new jewelry pieces, new lampwork sets added to the gallery for custom order, NEW CONTEST and contest rules and new cute valentine sweet tarts twinkling at you on the front page lol! too cute! I'm glad you guys like them! Enjoy your Sunday!