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New Auction going up on the 'bay later this evening. I have it scheduledfor 10pm my time at least I think so. My last auction I srewed up on the time scheduling because ebay does their timing as Pacific and I majorly screwed up my 3 hrs in reverse and did the opposite and boy did I pay the piper, live and learn right? lol so anyhow here's hoping I did it like I normally do, the right way!!! lol and with west coasters in mind as well. Anyhow it's a 7 day auction which I don't usually do but I wanted to avoid being a holiday hassle for bidders. It's a really pretty set I love mixing pinks with reds and with 3 heart focals there is plenty of different ways to use this set. Enjoy! I'm heading out but I'll try to chat more later. Have a great day!