it ever ganna stop snowing!!

well jeez, we really got dumped on today! It was like a crazy blizzard non stop! Joe had to go out ever few hours to plow because otherwise we wouldn't have been able to get the cars out. Even my car (suv, really) had some trouble through our neighborhood where we don't get the streets cleared too often. So anyhow Colorado Topaz and Smoked Topaz are on backorder for the threader earrings and I doubt I'll get more of those colors in until after the holidays. They are really really yummy colors and totally sold out everywhere! and with the roads being so bad I'm not sure I'll be able to make the semi long haul to one of my most favorite suppliers:( I'm on a mission though and haven't given up yet! I'll keep you posted.
I'm hoping to work in a little special or two over the weekend so stay tuned for that and be sure to check out my auctions I have one ending later today and the other will end over the weekend. Both of them are super cute valentine's day themed sets, check them out if you get a chance! Have a great day! I'll try to get on later with a sneak peek or two for ya!


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