Sunny days are here again...lalalalala!
It's sunny and hot and gorgeous again!!!! It's going to cool off quite a bit in the next few days to make room for some more spring showers but oh well I can handle that :) Oh funny thing real quick. Carrie did a shout out congratulations to me on her blog about our finding out we're having a boy and then asked me all concerned if she made a boo boo announcing that because I hadnt but I thought I had, I look back at that blog entry and realized that I've been so used to just saying "it" or "the baby" or "the bun" that I never did say what we were having!!! lol! So no worries Carrie you didn't mess up :) Julie noticed too and emailed asking "well...???? what is it!!!!" LOL! So I'm sorry about that I had a bit of a brain fart lol! Anyhow, I didn't get nearly as much accomplished yesterday as I had hoped. We're getting started on baby shower invites and such and I LOVE scrapbooking and die cuts and stamps so much that this past month I've been experimenting with some designs and came up with really cute invitations and a few other cute little things for the theme of the shower etc so the plan was to head out to a big supply store yesterday but that got sidetracked because I forgot that we were expecting someone who was coming out to look at the boat to hopefully buy it but they were a no show as far as we know:( ah well so anyways my plans got sidetracked and so I'll hopefully have more time today to look around and get what I need and then tomorrow stop off at another store for some ribbon and other card stock and things like that that I also need. Updates to the store front are totally and completely complete and so I'll be spending later in the evening finishing up a bridal order and creating some more Blueberry Festival pieces and some other Spring/Summer collection designs for the storefront. The colors of the season are awesome. So vibrant and juicy and fabulous and fun to work with! I'm rushing out for now but I'll try to be back on later for some evening chat. Have a great day! I'll leave you with some more Kitty love.