It really is a Good Friday!

Happy Good Friday everyone! Today has been amazing for us we had a sonogram done today and found out the sex of the baby! We are out of our minds with excitement. We've been so nervous that the Bun wasn't going to co operate since we've known so many people lately who haven't been able to see theirs. And even better yet as fun as it is to know it's even better to know that everything is going perfect and the baby is just having a dandy little time sucking it's thumb and floating around! lol! We are off to go do some major shopping now I think this whole weekend will be spent at the malls and various baby stores but I will be back on later for a more work/jewelry related chat update and also to send out an email announcement to our friends and family who are still waiting patiently to know how our day went if they haven't been called already lol! Hope you all have a wonderful and fantastic day and weekend if you don't get to come back for another visit until after the holiday that I wish you a very Happy Easter from my family to yours.


Julie said…
Well??? What is the sex of the baby???!!! You can't just tell us that you found out, and then not tell us if it is a boy or a girl!!!!!

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