quickie chatter

I'm keeping this chat short for now it's turned out to be a busy week. If you read my blog often you'll know that I wear many hats and run an online bookgroup (well actually a couple of them now) and that I also write book reviews for many literary publications but I'm a full time contributor to Fictionaddiction.net where you can find tons of terrific literary tid bids, articles, reviews and it's also a great resource for writers. Anyhow, the start of the new year launched a whole new look and feel to the FA site and a whole new load of books to review for me and deadlines to meet so just wanted to hop online and share the link for those who are interested and so now I'm off to finish off a bridal order for the night and then on to the review work. I'll even try to get a few more sneak peek pics up for you but we'll see how my time management goes lol! Have a great night!


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