Wednesday already?!

So the specials are up and already starting to fly out the door! I'll be making another big shipment tomorrow so your items should be arriving shortly! I've already started working on many of your requests for next weeks specials so there will be lot's more Fall colors and holiday beads coming. I've entered my Meteor Rock beads into Corina's Bead Challenge, I think they are pretty cool and it took me several tries when I first started making these to figure out how to keep getting that same effect with them. There are so many cool entries in this challenge. Lot's of cool effects going on with EDP (Evil Purple, the purple all beadmakers love to hate) I bought some, tried it, hated it and stick my tongue out at it when I come across it in my glass supply but after seeing and reading about these different cool effects I may quit shunning it and play with it some more. Well after the long and mostly quiet weekend I have been going non stop the last 2 days, lot's to do and lot's to start. So I'm off to go clean beads and package items for shipping and then I have been working on some new Bridal pretties so I'm excited to finish those for Tuesday! Have a great night, I may suprise you with another chat later but for now I'll say take care and enjoy the rest of your day! Hugs!


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