Run around day

Today has just been one of those days of lot's of running around and I think tomorrow will be another. Lot's of bridal orders coming in and going out. I did work on some more beads last night but tonight I'm going to keep working on these bridal orders. I think bridal orders might be my most favorite to do, the swarovski crystals are so sparkly and magical looking they seem to entrance me, I just love it!
Also I'm so excited that "The Village" is out in theatre's this week! I LOVE scarey movies and cannot wait to see this one. I'm hoping to squeeze this one into our plans for the weekend. The movie trailers are just too creepy to pass this one up:) I also managed to squeeze in some Outback Jack tonight while beading! It's getting down to the nitty gritty now only 3 more girls left should be interesting to see what happens. Ah, the joy of reality TV. LOL! So keeping it short tonight and getting back to work. Have a great night!


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