3 new ebay auctions up!
I've got 3 new ebay auctions up one last night and 2 today! I'm addicted to making vessels they are just gorgeous and I spend up to 20 minutes or longer on just one but I don't care it doesn't seem that long when I'm doing them and they are just such a work of art. When you see them in person you'll fall in love with them. My Violet Glacier one has to be my most favorite yet. I even updated my ebay's about me page which it needed really badly.So now I'm off to clean some beads and put up some new pieces on the site. There is one necklace in particular that I think is just the coolest it looks like beach glass and is very bold and vibrant and has very cool earrings to match. Plus I like the way a picture of a new bridal piece turned out, perfect lighting so I'll be putting that one up as well. I'll keep you posted! Take care!