Life & Little Things...New Year

Easing into the new year with a shop update!

Started reading this gem for an online book group pick and I’m about half through and its been mesmerizing me...

I have had this gorgeous yarn in my stash for about 2 years now just hanging onto it and saving it and trying hard to decide what I want this to be and I think I’ve got the perfect pattern finally chosen...stay tuned...

DK socks are so squishy and knit up so fast. Now working on sock #2 and thinking about adding that pop of gorgeous rusty orange in a different spot on the second sock...still deciding if I want them to 100% match or if I want them to “match” but in an opposite sort of way.

And working away on my Folklore color work sweater. I’m so excited about this one. It’s a chunky yarn by Hue & Me so I thought it would knit up super duper quick but its such a heavy piece that I manage to get about 2-3” at time knitted up because my hands start to cramp up. 


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