Summer days...

We're almost there...School's going to be out for Summer  next week! See ya next year crazy pick up line, buh-bye carpool days, peace out downtown afternoon traffic...

hello book stacks! Summer reading at the library is all ready for us. The boys are all signed up and ready to go. I've got a stack of books on reserve. LOVE our library's Summer reading program!

And because I know after about a week (if I'm lucky) the novelty will have worn off and Noah will be missing his friends and wishing it was back to school time already...and I might be too ;) So I've been pinning  activity ideas and arts and crafts stuff like crazy...

I already have to share the whipped cream and chocolate syrup at the bottom of my coffee cup with my little assistant and I'll have to remember to order a double for the next 3 months so there will be more for 2 boys to bicker over ;)

What are your Summer plans? What's on your Summer reading list? How do you entertain your kiddos on Summer vacation?


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