Feeling Hot Hot Hot!

My little guy is into everything! I have stairs ways and stair cases and steps everywhere in my house so I literally have gates everywhere! He looks like a caged animal lol!
Holy hottness! The heat wave continues. Spent the weekend floating in my friend Carries pool, noah's kiddie pool and pigging out in a nice dark A/C movie theater enjoy The Devil Wears Prada which was fantastic! Although it did not follow the book exactly, it still did a good job with the changes. It's seriously just too darn hot! I'm a little behind on bead stuff so bare with me and thank you for you patience but it's supposed to cool down tomorrow and the rest of the week so hopefully that will help get me back on track and your beadies in your little hands soon! It has been , however, perfect weather for sitting in the cool A/C and creating lot's more fun and fabulous jewelry designs so stay tuned for more sneak peeks and new items popping up on the storefront. Don't forget to check out my Beach Bum Auction it's ending soon! If the bidding doesn't get up to it's usual I'll safely assume that you are all ready for some more fall inspired (gasps!!! Did I just say Fall!!!???) colors and themes. Have a great day!


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